約定的答復期限已超過,阿迪達斯的“三包”承諾還是尤抱琵琶半遮面。記者昨天從市消保委了解到,上周市消保委約見阿迪達斯上海分公司客服代表時,對方承諾在一周內(nèi)給予明確答復,但一周期限已過,答復遲遲未見。 上周二,市消保委正式約見阿迪達斯上海分公司時,該公司的客服代表無法回答市消保委的
adidas Consortium ZX450
With 2008 clearly showing signs of a vintage runner resurgence from all the major labels, we've seen various rarely before seen models emerge from the wood work. Among the latest is this ZX 450 releasing as part of the Consortium collection of footwear from adidas. Ava
Lemar and Dauley x Adidas Streetball 08
Always trying to make powerful statements through their clothes, the folks at Lemar and Dauley teamed up with Adidas to come up with two new color ways for Streetball 08 REMIX collection. The shoes are very reminiscent of the 80s with the bright neon colors and checkered p
阿迪達斯“一起2008,沒有不可能”青島遠洋廣場拉開序幕 圣火的傳遞再度燃起了國人對奧運的參與熱情,讓人們積極投身到奧運參與活動中。青島作為2008北京奧運會的一個分賽場,在北京奧運進入倒計時的時刻,北京2008年奧運會官方合作伙伴阿迪達斯在青島舉行了主題為“一起2008,沒有不可能”的奧運體驗活動,更是
Adidas Superstar - Ching Ming
Adidas celebrates the Chinese festival of Ching Ming with the release of a Superstar dedicated to Ching Ming. The idea behind Ching Ming is to enjoy the greenery of Spring time and tend to the graves of people who have passed on. In addition, the Ching Min