1987 to Present
Human Service Relief Worker:Temporary Resources,Columbus,IN
Work as a temporary substitute in a variety of human service programs including specializing clients in hospital,direct care of developmentally delayed clients,counseling and supervising adolescents in group homes and substitute teaching at institutions such as the Stafford School for the Deaf.
1984 to 1986
Residential Manager:Allied Group Homes,Columbus,IN
Worked in several residential programs for all levels of development delayed clients.Taught skills in daily living,cooking,hygiene,and community awareness.Provided emotional support to clients.Interacted with clients families.Implemented behavioral programs.
1982 to 1983
Residential Counselor:Harrison House,Mooresville,IN
Staffed community residence for five developmentally delayed clients.Implemented behavioral programs.Taught activities of daily living skills directed toward independent living and community integration.
1981 to 1982
Nurse’s Aide:Center Street Nursing Home,Franklin,IN
Mental Health Assistant:Bethany School,Bethany,IN
Employment Counselor:Job Plus,Franklin,IN
Interviewed and counseled clients for the purpose of placement in jobs or training programs.Made referrals for employment or training programs.
1978 Social Worker:State of Indiana-Division of Child Welfare
1972 to 1977 Social Worker:State of Indiana
1975 to Present Franklin College
Graduate-level courses in psychology,education,and counseling
1971 Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
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