冰度系列——“微”風(fēng)一夏 靈感源自歐洲浪漫之都巴黎母親河——塞納,意為塞納河的微風(fēng)。 行走在波光粼粼的塞納河上,迎面飄來(lái)沁涼的微風(fēng),目不暇接地掠過(guò)一座座沉淀了千年文化卻歷久彌新的宏偉建筑物:埃菲爾鐵塔、盧浮宮、巴黎圣母院………...美麗的女神塞納輕輕地用風(fēng)的語(yǔ)言來(lái)訴說(shuō)著她的故事…… 選擇【冰度】日光海岸系列,讓這個(gè)夏天為你著迷! Beedoo series _Enjoy Seine Breeze for this summer The inspiration of this name comes from the mother river of Paris——Seine , meaning the Breeze of Seine. Imagining: You are touring the Seine on a ship, feeling the cool breeze on the face, and touching the famous buildings with eyes, such as: Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre Dame…….. And the Goddess Seine is telling you her stories with the language of wind.......